
The Simler-Williamson lab conducts research in the Department of Biological Sciences at Boise State University. We admit graduate students through Boise State’s Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior PhD program and Biology MS program.

Currently, all other grant-funded graduate student and postdoc positions in our research group are filled. When new grant-funded opportunities arise, they will be posted here. However, I am also always interested in chatting with prospective students or postdocs whose interests might align our research, especially if you are interested in developing fellowship applications (e.g. NSF GRFP, NSF PRFB, USDA NIFA, etc) focused on questions in plant ecology, disease ecology, plant-microbe interactions, or disturbance ecology. If you are interested in joining Simler-Williamson lab, please send me an email (allisonsimlerwil@boisestate.edu) with information about your research experiences, career goals, and a specific research question you are interested in pursuing.

Undergraduate Opportunities:

If you are an undergraduate interested in working in the lab, please send me an email (allisonsimlerwil@boisestate.edu) with your background, research interests, and what you are hoping to gain from working in a lab environment. We are always looking for enthusiastic new undergraduate researchers. We often have funded opportunities or course-based opportunities, depending on your interests, or may be able to support your application to Boise State research fellowships (e.g., HERC, Idaho INBRE, SARE, etc).